Four Ways to Make Your Art Practice Feel Fun and Fresh

Creating art has many benefits, allowing you to take time for yourself and express yourself creatively. However, it's easy to run out of inspiration, not know what to make, or feel like you've lost your spark. This guide explains four simple ways to inspire yourself and get making art again.

Try Something You've Never Done Before

One of the best ways to get your spark back is to try something you've never done before. This could be a completely different type of art—for example, if you usually paint, try making pottery or creating a collage instead. This will challenge you and get you out of your comfort zone, forcing you to learn as you go and really get creative. You might discover a new artistic passion, or you may take your experience and apply it to your usual craft.

Inspire Yourself with Some New Art Supplies

You could also try to inspire yourself with some new art supplies. This could be related to the point above. For example, if you usually use watercolour paints, you might buy some acrylic paints or crayons and try them out. However, you could also just take a walk through an arts and crafts store, or browse their website, and simply choose things that catch your eye. This can be inspirational in itself, and get you fired up to create. If you choose supplies and styles you don't usually use, this can be even better!

Look at an Art Gallery or Art Book

If you're looking at a blank page and don't know what to draw, paint, or create, looking at some existing art might inspire you. Find a book or gallery that shows the type of art you want to create, or simply go to the library and flip through different books. When you've found a piece that intrigues you, try to make something based on it. Don't worry too much about originality, just try to have fun.

Find an Art Tutorial Online

Finally, online tutorials might also help you to feel inspired. Find a tutorial where someone creates something you think looks cool, get your art supplies out, and try to follow along. Feel free to change colours and little details to make something more personal. Digital Arts Online offers a great list of websites that provide art tutorials, and there are also a lot of ideas on YouTube.

By trying new types of art, using new art supplies, looking at existing art, and following online tutorials, you can make creating art feel fun, fresh, and exciting again.  

425 Words

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How to Give Fine Art As a Gift If you are looking for the perfect gift for an art-loving friend or family member, what could be better than an original artwork? Many people are not sure where to start when it comes to buying art as a gift, but there are plenty of resources that can help you. Begin by taking a look at our site. We have a wealth of information about the current state of the fine arts scene and market. Our posts can help you to find the perfect gift for that special someone, whether you have a large budget or only a small one.




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